I enjoy helping businesses and people I care about GROW.

I enjoy helping businesses and people I care about GROW.

It's fun. It's rewarding. And I can't get enough.

It's fun. It's rewarding. And I can't get enough.

I enjoy helping businesses and people I care about GROW.

I enjoy helping businesses and people I care about GROW.

It's fun. It's rewarding. And I can't get enough.

It's fun. It's rewarding. And I can't get enough.

My world can be broken into three dimensions.

Business. Personal. And Fitness.



Let’s start with Business.

AC (after-covid)

Jan 2023 – Feb 2024 – 85% growth in incoming business for SQM Research

May 2021-2022 Dec – $1.1billion growth in portfolio for Macquarie Bank via the digital platform – the first of its kind in Australia. Managed by my team. Net book contribution $500m.


PC (pre-covid):

Uplifted analyst team performance 18% across a team of 87, over 6 months.

Lead a team of analysts to a record $1.2 billion year, managing the key relationship with VIC.

Trained and coached 60+ Credit Analysts, and several managers.



Now, a few personal things about me (if you’re interested)

November 2023 – Dived into deep water for the first time since learning how to swim.

Oct 2023 – Got married (achievement unlocked).

March 2021 – Welcomed a puppy into our tiny family and named her after my beloved Star Wars Character Chewbacca.

February 2020 – Near-death experience in Japan, trapped in deep snow while feeding my overconfidence.

Mid 2020 – recorded and released my one-hit wonder song. Yes, I’m on Spotify. No, I’m not that good anymore.



Finally, fitness.

I care about being in good shape. I don’t think life would be as fun if I wasn’t. So here’s my current ‘secret’ routine. Updated Feb 2024.

Step 1. Go to the gym

Step 2. Pick up some weights

Step 3. Do 10 sets of 8-10 reps OF THE SAME EXERCISE

Step 4. Repeat with 2 more exercises

Step 5. Lie down on the floor and listen to my heart beating

Step 6. Repeat 5-6x per week.

June 2023 - I broke the world record at my local gym by completing 72 pushups in one hit. It was very painful.

My world can be broken into three dimensions.

Business. Personal. And Fitness.


Let’s start with Business.

AC (after-covid)

Jan 2023 – Feb 2024 – 85% growth in incoming business for SQM Research

May 2021-2022 Dec – $1.1billion growth in portfolio for Macquarie Bank via the digital platform – the first of its kind in Australia. Managed by my team. Net book contribution $500m.

PC (pre-covid):

Uplifted analyst team performance 18% across a team of 87, over 6 months.

Lead a team of analysts to a record $1.2 billion year, managing the key relationship with VIC.

Trained and coached 60+ Credit Analysts, and several managers.


Now, a few personal things about me (if you’re interested)

November 2023 – Dived into deep water for the first time since learning how to swim.

Oct 2023 – Got married (achievement unlocked).

March 2021 – Welcomed a puppy into our tiny family and named her after my beloved Star Wars Character Chewbacca.

February 2020 – Near-death experience in Japan, trapped in deep snow while feeding my overconfidence.

Mid 2020 – recorded and released my one-hit wonder song. Yes, I’m on Spotify. No, I’m not that good anymore.


Finally, fitness.

I care about being in good shape. I don’t think life would be as fun if I wasn’t. So here’s my current ‘secret’ routine. Updated Feb 2024.

Step 1. Go to the gym

Step 2. Pick up some weights

Step 3. Do 10 sets of 8-10 reps OF THE SAME EXERCISE

Step 4. Repeat with 2 more exercises

Step 5. Lie down on the floor and listen to my heart beating

Step 6. Repeat 5-6x per week.

June 2023 - I broke the world record at my local gym by completing 72 pushups in one hit. It was very painful.

My world can be broken into three dimensions.

Business. Personal. And Fitness.



Let’s start with Business.

AC (after-covid)

Jan 2023 – Feb 2024 – 85% growth in incoming business for SQM Research

May 2021-2022 Dec – $1.1billion growth in portfolio for Macquarie Bank via the digital platform – the first of its kind in Australia. Managed by my team. Net book contribution $500m.


PC (pre-covid):

Uplifted analyst team performance 18% across a team of 87, over 6 months.

Lead a team of analysts to a record $1.2 billion year, managing the key relationship with VIC.

Trained and coached 60+ Credit Analysts, and several managers.



Now, a few personal things about me (if you’re interested)

November 2023 – Dived into deep water for the first time since learning how to swim.

Oct 2023 – Got married (achievement unlocked).

March 2021 – Welcomed a puppy into our tiny family and named her after my beloved Star Wars Character Chewbacca.

February 2020 – Near-death experience in Japan, trapped in deep snow while feeding my overconfidence.

Mid 2020 – recorded and released my one-hit wonder song. Yes, I’m on Spotify. No, I’m not that good anymore.



Finally, fitness.

I care about being in good shape. I don’t think life would be as fun if I wasn’t. So here’s my current ‘secret’ routine. Updated Feb 2024.

Step 1. Go to the gym

Step 2. Pick up some weights

Step 3. Do 10 sets of 8-10 reps OF THE SAME EXERCISE

Step 4. Repeat with 2 more exercises

Step 5. Lie down on the floor and listen to my heart beating

Step 6. Repeat 5-6x per week.

June 2023 - I broke the world record at my local gym by completing 72 pushups in one hit. It was very painful.

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Things I'm GREAT at:


Where to go

I perform an olympic-level dive into your business and find the gold. I don't assume to know where it is already.

Customer analysis

Team culture review

Leverage options

Why the competition is still competition


The lifeblood of business

Products are different. People are different. So not all sales are the same.

B2B / B2C segment review

Customer success metrics

Retention review

Low-hanging fruit detection

Leveraging connections in B2B


2011 - 2013

Bachelor of Commerce

The University of Sydney

Majors: Finance and Economics.

Grade Average: Distinction

2013 - Present

Several programs and courses

Several providers

I am consistently studying. Some of my recommended courses are below. I've found them more useful than my formal education.

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All rights reserved © 2024 Harry Bawa

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All rights reserved © 2024 Harry Bawa

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